Friday, June 20, 2008

One week to go...

In just a week (and a matter of hours) David and I will be getting married! It's crazy how fast time has gone. We have been engaged for almost 11 months...and a lot has happened in that time. The past 3 months have been full of ups and downs for both of us; good times and hard, but God has been working through it all. Sometimes I wish that God would give a clear reason for the way things happen and then again, it's probably better that we don't know. I am so thankful though, for just being able to know that He is in it, in everything! I am anxiously awaiting our [wedding] day, the day that we will finally be one. I'm excited to see what God has for us...I know it's something great :)

I love you David Joel Gunderson, I can not wait to be yours!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Ready, set....GO!

It's hard to believe where life has taken me this far :) I can remember being five and just wishing with all of my heart I was sixteen...I knew I would never get there! Then all of a sudden, I made it.
This is another time in life, engaged, almost married, in college, moving away from home for the first time, that seemed like it would never come; it's here. David and I have been engaged for almost 10 months and the days are flying. In 29 days we'll be Mr. and Mrs. David Gunderson, although if anyone calls me that I probably won't answer...for a while anyway ;)
We found an apartment this week! David will tell you that I instantly fell in love with it. The location is great and it has everything we need. Two bedrooms, on bath, laundry room, good size garage...I'll have to post pictures when we have it all set up!
The wedding is coming along pretty well...I'm anxiously waiting for my dress to come in. I ordered it about 4 months ago!! It should be here today or tomorrow :) All the bridesmaids have their dresses fitted tonight, I'm so excited, and a bit jealous ;) the dresses are gorgeous and such a fun color!
This weekend has turned out to be a crazy one...the story of our life it seems! Rachel graduates from high school tomorrow as valedictorian!! I am SO proud of her, she worked so hard to get to this place. Unfortunately the army scheduled David's award dinner and family weekend for this SAME weekend. I am really looking forward to it, but a little sad that two huge events had to conflict. David and I leave this afternoon for the Dells. The army is providing soldiers and parents with free rooms at the Chula Vista resort and I'm going to stay with my "long lost friend" Amber...YEAH!!! So anyway, these are fun times...we've had some frustrating moments, but I hope to never forget the joy and excitement of everything :) God is good. We are so blessed to be His. I love you David!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm Getting MARRIED...

In 50 days!! Crazy I tell ya ;)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

He's home :)

What more can I say?! I love you David Gunderson!

Friday, April 18, 2008

This is where it started...this is where it will end. Or maybe, it's the other way around!

The LOVE of my life...

Twenty-seven hours...

Well, it's the day before what is going to be one of the best days EVER :) This has been such a long, long year and I'm so excited for a new "chapter" of my life to begin! David should be landing at Volk field tomorrow and from there on, life will never be the a good way! As hard as this time has been for both of us, I have NO doubt that is was for a reason. God has blessed us beyond what we deserve and I'm so thankful. He is SO good, He is God!

1Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Steadfast Love

Yesterday, I was searching verses with the word love in them. I was looking for something specific, but ended up noticing something really cool. As I was skimming through all the verses, I realized that there are like a million, that talk about God's love for us. The neat thing though, is that it didn't just say love, but STEADFAST Love. It must be important, I could have spent half my day counting all the verses talking about God's steadfast love. God wants us to love as He loves, unchanging, steadfast...not on our terms, not becuase someone did something nice, not because we owe them, but with a steadfast love. That's such a challenge and so unnatural for us to just love, regardless of the circumnstances. BUT, God desires that...He told me so;)