Monday, July 9, 2007

Nothing but Life!

Well...It's been alittle while, but life's been busy!! Rachel just left for leadership camp, Christina's off doing her basketball thing, Josh is with friends, and Charity's with Mom dropping of Rachel! SO! I find myself home by my self and thinking...probably not a good thing :) Although, a few hours having nothing to do isn't so bad I guess. Work will come fast.
I'm just really looking forward to David being home so I can share my "having nothing to do" times with someone :) He's got less than a month until his break; 24 days to be exact!! He'll only be home from August 2nd thru the 5th, but thank God he's even got that'll be such a happy/sad time I think. It's kind of scary to have to say good-bye and really not know the exact next time I'll see him. Pretty much miss him like crazy!
But God has been working even in this time (yep!) and really teaching me some good, sometimes difficult lessons...contentness (need I say more?!) God never stops surprising me, ever! (in a good way) And I'm so thankful...for everything He is doing right now, even though this isn't where I'd choose to be in life, I know it's where I'm supposed to be.
So, anyway, I'm here and life is as good as it can be :)

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