Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Alot of times life is so much different than what's least thats how I feel :) And sometimes God just, I don't know, slips in just what you need! Just yesterday, I really felt like I needed to pray with someone. I just had this desire, more like a need to pray! So this morning my mom and I took our hot tea outside on the deck (hehe, we sound like old ladies:) and after we talked for a few minutes she was like, "I really want to spend some time in prayer before I leave for work; so I'll pray about whats on my heart and then you pray..." It was just so strange! God is totally reading my thoughts :) And I've noticed that a lot lately how I don't even ask for what I need, God just gives it! To me it's amazing...
On a different note, David called me this morning at 1:30!! Crazy guy just won't go to bed...okay the truth is they just won't let him! I barely remember our conversation cuz I was 3/4 asleep, but I'm pretty sure it was just a hello-goodnight kinda thing. (David if you read this ever...I LoVe you:) and I can't wait 'til you're home!) He'll be home August 2-5th and let me tell you, I am soooo excited! And actually what he doesn't know (unless he's reading this right now!) is that he's not going back, yep, I've pretty much decided that I'm going to have to kidnap him! Iraq can survive without him right? Well it sounded good anyway :) But really he's's actually really hard to think about because overall I have NO idea what this year will bring. It's hard to comprehend how long a year is and just except that he'll be gone almost all of it. And at the same time I know it's part of God's plan and I just need to trust Him with it! "'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word. Just to rest upon His promise, just to know "thus saith the Lord""! I know our faith isn't based on emotions and feelings, but I love it when I can feel those words...I don't know how else to explain it:) Well this is getting alittle long. . . . .I'll be back for more later I'm sure! OH! One more thing (hehe) I found a verse that I thought was so cool! Psalm 33:14,15 "From the place of His dwelling He (God) looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works." Neat huh?!

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